Featured Products: Minimo Pro
Featured Products: Leto 11, Artemis. LineLED Series
Featured Products: Kilo
AT&T Headquarters, Dallas, TX
Poised at Whitacre Tower, the 13th tallest building in Dallas, sits over 1,000,000 square feet of one of the world’s largest telecommunications and top-20 Fortune 500 companies. One AT&T Plaza, located in the central business district of Dallas, has been home to AT&T’s company headquarters since 2008. They are currently working on renovating all 37 floors and growing the vibrant downtown Dallas neighborhood. This includes the AT&T’s 37th floor, perched atop the high rise that overlooks the Dallas skyline, and is home to Luminii’s Kilo linear luminaires. Integrating Kilo to create a rhythmic lighting pattern, the architect was able to seamlessly transform from a surface mount to the suspended option at the wall to ceiling transition creating a truly memorable visual effect.